Send a HeroBox — Herobox (2024)

Send a HeroBox — Herobox (1)

You’re about to do something amazing!

this june we will focus on herodays. Herodays are great for summer events, corporate retreats, church picnics, or patriotic family gatherings. Any group event can become a heroday!


  • Send a HeroBox — Herobox (2)

    Pack a HeroBox

    Pack a HeroBox at home for a deployed hero. Simply register with our system to create an account and select a hero to send to. You will access their wishlist and purchase a shipping label.

  • Send a HeroBox — Herobox (3)

    Build a HeroBox

    Build a HeroBox online and our system will ship it for you. Register with our system, select a hero and shop from their Amazon wishlist. Your care package will ship to them directly.

  • Send a HeroBox — Herobox (4)

    Host a HeroDay

    Gather your group in person or virtually to support our heroes! Register with our system and set up your event. You choose the location, date, and how you want to gather items. We supply what you need and you multiple your impact.

    Host a HeroDay >

Register Now

Send a HeroBox — Herobox (5)

Register Now

Questions? Scroll down to view our FAQs.

How do I send a box?

The first step is to follow the “register now” button and create a sponsor account with our system. From there you will select a Hero from our Next In Line list and click to either pack or build a box. The pop up instructions will walk you through it.

Do I have to send everything on the wishlist?

No! You can send as much or as little as you like from the wishlist. Those items are simply what is requested personally, but you are welcome to send whatever you want. Our heroes are grateful for anything you send.

Once you have purchased your shipping label, you will have access to tracking information as well as a way to message your hero directly. It is always a good idea to reach out to say hello and verify that they are still at their APO and can receive packages.

How do I mail my box? Where do I find the address?

When you select a hero and choose to pack a box at home you will be prompted to purchase a shipping label. This is a fully filled out and addressed label for a USPS Priority Mail Flat Rate box. You will simply download the PDF of the label, print it, tape it to your box and drop it off at the Post Office (or schedule a pickup).

Where do i get the box to mail the items in?

Our shipping labels are good for USPS Priority Mail Flat Rate boxes available for free through the United States Postal Service. You will purchase a shipping label for a medium or large box, you can go to the post office and pick up the box for free, or have the USPS send it to you for free.

WHat if the items I bought don’t fit in the box?

We encourage you to take note of the box size before you shop for the items to ensure that your items will fit. Box dimensions are on the pop up instructions when purchasing a shipping label. If your items don’t fit you can save them for a future box or purchase an additional label.

Will my shipping label expire?

Yes! Shipping labels expire after 30 days to prevent mail fraud. Please take note of your label and make sure to get it dropped off within 30 days. We will send you a reminder if you are getting close to an expired label.

Help! I’m still confused, what do i do?

We are available to help with any questions. Just email us at or click on the help chat bubble on the website. A real person will get back to you within 24 hours during the week.

Frequently asked questions


This means a lot to us that there are people willing to support us. It really makes us proud to do what we do.

Sgt Adam Slider

The HeroBoxes arrived on Friday and it was like Christmas in March!!! I handed them out and I've never seen people so happy! Thank you!

Christina Sutton

I just signed up. My hubby is active duty and has been deployed 3 times to Iraq. I wish I had know about this years before. Thank you for all you do!

Amanda Millard

This has been one of the most rewarding projects I've been involved with. My 3yo son likes helping out with the boxes and writing his name on the letters!

Christina Ashley

My friend and I decided to use HeroBox as our senior project and have sponsored a unit of 30 soldiers in Afghanistan. I am so happy to be helping out our heroes!

Autumn Kohlieber

The best post cards are the ones from Afghanistan letting you know your hero is coming home! Thank you HeroBox for another awesome sponsorship!

Michelle Brown

I sponsored my first Hero today after a referral from the Wounded Warrior Project! I'm so excited to be part of your wonderful organization!

Samantha Cardena

My men have recently received HeroBoxes and it's been very welcome, especially this time of the year. Thank you!

Ivan Menendez

I just sponsored my first Soldier! I think this is one of the most amazing projects, and I truly wish I had heard about it sooner!!! Kudos for such an awesome site!

Amanda Symons

Seeing the care packages from you never ceases to put a smile on my face. So on behalf of the entire 965th EAACS, thank you from the bottom of our heart!

Been doing it for a little over 3 years and we love being able to show others that we care. Have had several Heroes now and become good friends with one of them. It really is a great program!

Crystal Wells

Just got my first herobox ready to ship. Very excited! This is an amazing cause!

Erica Reimels

We sent our first HeroBox in Jan, about to send our second. Just received a letter in the mail from our solider! Thank you!

Jennifer Blair

Our family is adopting 4 heroes! We have family that served in ww2 and Vietnam. We are proud to serve these heroes.

Shirley Mcinney

This is my third deployment and it seems that support from the home front has dwindled. Its refreshing to see that there are still groups like these to support us.

James Lesco

My soldier has a similar background as me and we've developed a wonderful relationship. I am truly bless to have found this organization!

Kathy Pope

I just joined and have my very own Hero to send a piece of home to each month. I am so excited to be part of this program! Thank you HeroBox!

Dorothy Benavides - Rudoll

Thank you HeroBox! My husband got his first HeroBox over the weekend! He was thrilled!

Mary Ellison

I think it's awesome what HeroBox does. I have 150 soldiers in my unit and not even a quarter of them are married. Single soldiers who really need an org like this. Thank you for your support!

Stephanie Owens, 20th EN BN HHC

I just signed up and can't wait to go shopping! What a great way to give back!

Casandra Gray

What an incredible blessing to receive all your boxes. We had exactly enough for each of our single Airmen! We put their names on the boxes, wrapped them up, and placed them under the tree!

Capt. Maria Quinn

What a joy to have a hero in my life. Richard is in Iraq and is so appreciative and thoughtful. The boxes are fun to fill and send. If you don't have a hero, look up the site and join us!

Carol Wong

Trust me, receiving a package, even once a month while deployed is the best feeling ever!

CS3 Kalia Vang

I was able to meet and spend two days of my vacation with my Hero who returned home earlier this year!

Michelle Brown

Thank you for all that you have done on our behalf and for all of the support that warms our hearts.

CPT E. Dan Patterson


P.O. Box 287
Wellborn, TX 77881
Contact us

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Send a HeroBox — Herobox (2024)


Is HeroBox a legitimate charity? ›

HeroBox is 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that supports deployed American service members.

Where does charity money actually go? ›

How do you know if a charity is effective? According to Charity Watch, the most highly efficient charities spend 75% or more of income toward their cause. 25% or less should go toward the cost of doing business (administration, fundraising, marketing, etc.).

Are donation boxes legit? ›

There are many donation bins run by legitimate charities doing good work in their communities. For these organizations, donation bins provide an easy way for would-be donors to make their contributions when and where it is convenient for them. Unfortunately, there are for-profits taking advantage of the model as well.


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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Views: 6183

Rating: 5 / 5 (70 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.